SPOT-RNA2: Improved RNA Secondary Structure and Tertiary Base-pairing Prediction using Evolutionary Profile, Mutational Coupling and Two-dimensional Transfer Learning.

Our resources are limited and this webserver is sharing by 10-12 other predictors. Therefore, SPOT-RNA2 prediction can take few days. Please don’t submit the same sequence again. If need urgent prediction, please contact [email protected]


E-mail address (required):
Target (optional):
Input your RNA Sequences: Maximum: 500 nts, Only one RNA sequence at a time


To run SPOT-RNA2 for long sequences, please use standalone version of SPOT-RNA2 mentioned below.

Standalone Program to Run Locally:



bpRNA: Initial Learning (Training TR0, validation VL0, and test TS0) Dropbox or Nihao Cloud

PDB: Transfer Learning (Training TR1, validation VL1, and test TS1, TS2, TS3, and TS_hard) Dropbox or Nihao Cloud


J. Singh, K. Paliwal, T Zhang, J. Singh, T Litfin, Y. Zhou, “Improved RNA Secondary Structure and Tertiary Base-pairing Prediction Using Evolutionary Profile, Mutational Coupling and Two-dimensional Transfer Learning.”, Bioinformatics, btab165, (2021). []