# # EASE-MM Genome: prediction of mutation-induced stability changes for the human genome # # This file describes the input format for the EASE-MM Genome web-server. # If the line starts with '#' (hash), the line is ignored. # The input format is compatible with the Variant Call Format (VCF): http://samtools.github.io/hts-specs/VCFv4.2.pdf # EASE-MM requires only the first five VCF columns: CHR POS SEQ REF ALT. # CHR: chromosome number (1-23XY) # POS: 1-based position on the forward strand # ID: this fiels is ignored by EASE-MM # REF: reference nucleotide base # ALT: mutated nucleotide base # The server can predict only missense mutations in the GRCh37/hg19 assembly of the human genome. ################################################################################ # Please note that the input size is limited to 10,000 variants per submission # ################################################################################ ############ # Examples # ############ 14 105643085 . G A 14 105685542 . C T 1 151536388 . G C 14 105716945 . C T 14 105944826 . A G 14 105995292 . G A 15 22853770 . C T 15 22855088 . G A 15 22866927 . T C 1 861324 . G A 1 861324 . G C